The practice of yoga which has followed the phsyical practice as its underlining principle of the practice by working on the body, breath and mind through physical posture, shat karma, pranayama and many other meditative practice. The path which believes that the journey of a practitioner starts from physical strength and bodily cleansing then its moves further into mental and spiritual awareness. By controlling the body and its system, one gets way to control the breath and then mind. Under such concept, hatha yoga took one of the dominants form of practice since ancient times. It has been the most common and the post popular practice in the world even though it somehow seems it has been a fad or a some sort of gym-practice to many people. In spite of having its different application and understanding, it has left huge impact on people's life reglardless of caste, religion, gender, race, class, nationality. It seems to have crossed each and every boundary in a positive manner made by human society. Yoga seems to have developed a wonderful sense of awareness that humanity is a prime part and portion of yoga. It always seeks harmony and healing relationship among and between people. Under the umbrella term Hath Yoga, there have been practiced many yogas. Followings are the few mentioned…
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga includes every kinds of yoga which follows the physical postures as its fundamental practice. However, in its narrower sense, hatha yoga has been understood and shared as a gentle, breathing-sequenced yoga. It has been a yoga which is considered optimum for beginner of the yoga practices even though it is appropriate for every hatha yogi in its broader sense.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Popularly know as Ashtanga Yoga, it is based on specific series of postures made famous by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois. It mainly incorporates three aspects; drishti, bandha, vinyas which has also been called Tristhana. Along with these three significant components, ujjayi breathing also has been included as its vital part of practice.
Bikram Yoga
Bikram Yoga is a style of yoga which was named after Bikram Chaudhary. It is also known as a Hot Yoga. It is practiced in the room with the temperature of 35-42 degree. It has 26 sets of asana which are practiced in order of Pranayama, Ardhchandrasana with Padahastasana, Utkatasana, Garudasana, Dandayaman Janusirsasana,Dandayaman Dhanurasana, Tuladandasana, Dandayamana Vibhaktapada Paschimottanasana, Trikonasana, Dandayamana Vibhaktapada Janusirsasana, Tadasana, Padangusthasana, Savasana, Pawanmuktasana, Padahastasana,Bhujangasana, Shalavasana, Purna Shalavasana, Dhanurasana, Suptavajrasana, Ardhakurmasana, Ustrasana, Shasankasana, Janusirsasana with Paschimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Kapalbhati.
Kundalini Yoga
A type of yoga which mainly focuses on awakening the Kundalini energy which is believed to remain dormant at the root center. Through the practice of fast-breathing and core related postures, it is considerd that the serpant like energy gets activated. It is mainly popularized by Yogi Bhajan.
Anusara Yoga
Anusara Yoga is a kind of yoga which has no difference than other phsyically oriented yoga. The major component or aspect which makes it different than other is its way of approach to the practice. The practice goes slow and steady. It's mainly focused on heart opening. At the time of adjustment, the class stops the practice and sees the adjustment done by the teacher to a student.
Jivamukti Yoga
Mostly connected to the earth energy and its reverence in the practice, Jivamukti Yoga has adopted satwic way of living. It has combined chanting and singing in the practice along with the breathing and asana practice. The practiitoner of Jivamukti has taken the vegertarian food. It is brought into the practice by Sharon Ganon and David Life and Sharon Ganon.
Iyengar Yoga
Concentrated on alignment and application of props in its fullest range, Iyengar yoga focuses on therapeutic benefits of the practice. B.K.S. Iyengar made it popular to the world by emphasizing the near to the perfect aligment of any posture. Iyengar Yoga can be boon for many people who prefer therapeutic and alignment touch in the practice. Still being slow and steady-looking pace of the class, the effect of the practice can be impactful.
Sivananda Yoga
Formed after the name of renown Swami Sivananda, developed by Swami Vishnudevananda has 12 basic asana package which is practiced after breathing and kriya. At the beginning of the practice, one lies down in savasana. After few minutes of savasana, one gets ready for kapalbhati and anuloma viloma. After pranayaman practice, one starts 6-8 rounds of sun salutations. After all these proceedings, one then comes into the practice of 12 basic asana series which is started from Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Paschimotanasana, Bhujangasana, Salavasana,Dhanurasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Kakasana, Padahastasana, Trikonasana.
Power Yoga
A trend of yoga which has mainly concentreted on power-based exercise in combination with the yoga asana practice. It mailny focuses on budiling the strenght and core. It's more like Vinyasa Yoga where asana is practiced in a continious manner along with the breathing. The breath is harmonized with the asana in Vinyasa Yoga. Power yoga has similar inheritence of Ashtanga. However, Power Yoga tends to focus more on holding the poses for longer time whereas Vinyasa Yoga incines to follow the flow and felxibility.
Vinyasa Yoga
A style of yoga which has given more priority to the flow and breath sychonization while conitnuing the practice of asana. Different to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, it has no the fixed series of practice as it's in Ashtanga. Morevoer, Vinyasa Yoga doesn't follow the strict reguation of Ashtanga practice. It has more freedom of practice then Ashtanga Yoga.
Yin Yoga
Based slow and longer holding in the postures yet remaining calm and relaxed is the fundmanental aspect of Yin Yoga. Posture can be held from 45 minutes to 2 minutes the practice of Yin Yoga. It can be healing for practitioners who love slow and relaxed way of practice while receing the benefits of yoga practice. As the duration of the holding in the position gets longer, the easy-looking posture can be intense and harder. It mainly focuses on to provide stress to the connective tissue of the body-fascia, tendons, ligaments targeting the aim of circulating the blood flow in the joints and incresing the flexibitly. It's mainly influenced by martial artist and Taoist Yoga teacher Paulie Zink later formulated by Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers as Yin Yoga.
Yang Yoga
Yang Yoga is generally denoted to the tranditional style of hath yoga where practice is more intensed and strenuous. Mainly focused on strength, stamina, flexibility, edurance and agility, Yang Yoga incorporates every aspect of traditional style of hatha yoga such as Ashtanga, Iyengar, hatha etc.